This project contains a flask webserver that provides a website to control rgb lights through the rpi_ws281x library.
Created: April 2019 Newest Version: August 2019

Run Project Page Releases Website Code Calculator Code
The titration calculator website is used to generate a url which makes a request to the titration calculator. The titration calculator is written in c++ and runs on aws lambda.
Created: 3/29/2019 Newest Version: 3/29/2019

Run Project Page Releases Code
This page displays the weather at your current location. It can also get the weather at user inputted coordinates. It displays todays high, low, and current temperatures, and has a second row that provides more options.
Created: 10/9/2018 Newest Version: 10/20/2018

Project Page Code Submission Page
Github Gameoff 2018 Submission
Created: 11/01/2018 Newest Version: 11/30/2018

The tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game where the goal is to move a tower of disks of different sizes from one rod to another rod. Only one disk can be moved at a time and larger disks cannot be placed on top of a smaller disk.
Created: 10/22/2018 Newest Version: 10/23/2018

Conway's Game of Life, also known as the Game of Life or simply Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970
Created: 10/25/2018 Newest Version: 10/29/2018

Recreation of classic computer game Minesweeper
Created: Summer 2018 Newest Version: Summer 2018

A square rolls around the inside of a box.
Created: Highschool Newest Version: Highschool

This is a graphing calculator made for my AP project.
Created: Highschool Newest Version: Highschool